How You Can Help a Constipated Dog

dog constipation symptoms shaking

You wouldn’t want your dog to suffer from any type of pain of it is avoidable. But dogs have lots of healthy issues that they can suffer from just like us humans. For example, dog constipation can be hard to detect, and it can make the dog owner feel helpless. Constipation can quickly become harder to pass through for your dog.

This post will share some informative things on the dog constipation problem. However, if you think that your dog is going through some kind of injury or any other medical issue, head straight to a veterinarian and get the dog tested thoroughly. However if you have the question, “my dog hasn’t pooped in 4 days”, this post is for you.

Causes of Constipation in Dogs

Professionals divide the dig constipation problem into 3 different parts.

Intraluminal is the first type of constipation. This happens when bowel movements within the colon of your dog are restricted. This might happen due to abnormal growth, inflammation and foreign objects within the colon.

Extraluminal constipation is caused by things that can restrict the bowl movements from outside the colon. The reason for this can be a pelvic injury or another painful thing that restricts the movement of bowel through the colon.

Lastly, the Intrinsic causes can include a wide range of hormonal changes in your dog which can change certain things in your dog to cause severe constipation. It can also be caused if your dog takes some medicine to treat a medical condition.

Helping a Constipated Dog

Here are some remedies for dog constipation that you can try.

  • Canned pumpkin can high fiber and water content. Giving this to your constipated dog can help a lot.
  • Milk can also prove to be a useful laxative for your dog to help in constipation.
  • Olive or coconut oil can also help a constipated dog.